27 Parts of a Laptop Internal and External, With Explained

Parts of a Laptop

The main parts of a laptop are broken down below, along with an explanation of each part’s purpose and how it affects the device’s overall performance: Internal Parts of a Laptop 1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) The central processing unit (CPU) of a internal part of laptop is its brain; it is in charge of … Read more

What is Cpu, Gpu, TPU and Npu ? How It Works ?

cpu gpu tpu and npu

The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is sometimes referred to as the “brain” of the device. The majority of the work that takes place inside a computer is carried out by it. It is responsible for handling fundamental instructions and managing activities like as arithmetic, logic, control, and input/output operations. In addition to being responsible for the operation of the operating system, applications, and other things, it handles activities that are universal in nature.

What is Ping, Example, How it works ?


When a host (often a computer or server) is connected to an Internet Protocol (IP) network, the “Ping” utility tool is used to determine whether or not the host can be reached. Sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request messages to the host that is the target of the operation and then waiting for an Echo Reply gives it the ability to function. The term “ping” originates from sonar technology, where it refers to the pulse of sound that is sent out via the system in order to identify things.

What things should check when get a new laptop?

Are you looking for recommendations on new laptop, Take into consideration the following aspects when purchasing a new laptop to guarantee that it satisfies your requirements:

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

The field of research and practice known as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) examines and practices how individuals interact with computers and other forms of technology. The objective of human-computer interaction (HCI) is to create interfaces that are pleasant to users and to improve the user experience by making them more accessible and usable. The following are important aspects of human-computer interaction:

Journal of Cloud Computing Advances.

Cloud Computing Advances

“Cloud Computing Advances” is the continuous progress, innovation, and development that occurs within the realm of cloud computing technology. In most cases, the primary aim of these developments is to improve the effectiveness, scalability, security, and accessibility of cloud-based services and infrastructure.

Cyber Security Basics, Key Concepts, Network Security, Endpoint Security, Data Security.

Cybersecurity Basics

The protection of computer systems, networks, and data against cyber security threats such as hacking, malware, and illegal access is what is meant by the term “cybersecurity.”

Common Windows File Extensions. (Lession- 34)

File Extensions

The name of the file, followed by a period, and then the extension (suffix) are the two components that make up the file name in Windows. File Extensions the extension is an acronym that consists of three or four letters and indicates the kind of file being used.

What is File Management System, File Types, File Utilities in Computer ? (Lession- 33)

file management system

When it comes to computers, the term “file management system” refers to software that is responsible for organizing, managing, and controlling access to files that are stored on the storage devices of a computer. This offers an organized method for storing, retrieving, and manipulating files, so assuring the integrity of the data, maintaining security, and making effective use of the storage resources available.

How to Create a File and Folder ? (Lession- 31)

File and Folder

File and Folder, storage is the fundamental unit responsible for storing important programs and documents. Depending on the type of file, Windows will display a different icon. The letters that make up the Windows File 3 extension might also provide some insight on the kind of file. The characters are extensions of file 3.