How To Use Home Tab in MS Excel (Microsoft Excel Docs). (Lession – 6)

The Microsoft Excel Home Tab is used to execute regular instructions like bold, underline, copy, and paste. It is also used to apply formats to cells in a worksheet. It contains Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Cells, and Editing.

Alignment (Home Tab)

Top Align -Text should be aligned along the top of the cell (Home Tab).

Middle Align -Align text to the center of the cell.

Bottom Align -Align text to the bottom of the cell (Home Tab).

Orientation Turning down. Provides the ability to rotate the currently selected item to either a vertical or a diagonal angle. There are many commands available in the drop-down menu, including Vertical Text, Angle Counterclockwise, and Angle Clockwise. Change the alignment of the cells, rotate the text up and down, and format the text in Home Tab.

Left to Right Text Direction – Turning down. Prepare the text so that it reads from left to right using Home Tab. There are three commands that may be found in the drop-down menu: context, left-to-right, and right-to-left.

Wrap Text – Converts the text into many lines by wrapping it in a rectangle.

Align Left – Aligns data to the left edge of the cell in Home Tab.

Center  Adjusts the data such that it is aligned with the center of the cell.

Align Right – A function that aligns data with the right edge of the cell in Home Tab.

Decrease Indent – (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Tab). This function either reduces the indentation by one or fully eliminates it.

Increase Indent – (Ctrl + Alt + Tab). Increases the indent by 1 in Home Tab.

Merge & Center – Button that has a drop-down menu in Home Tab. By clicking the button, the chosen cells are joined together, and the contents of the new cell are centered. It is possible to choose the following instructions from the drop-down menu: Merge & Center, Merge Across, Merge Cells, and Unmerge Cells. To combine just the cells that are on the same row, use the combine Across function. While the Merge Cells function is identical to the Merge and Center function, the alignment is not altered in any way in Home Tab.


Number Format – It provides a list of all the different number formats that are accessible. General, Number, Currency, Accounting, Short Date, Long Date, Time, Percentage, Fraction, Scientific, and Text are the several forms for numbers that are already included into the program (Home Tab).

Accounting Number Format – Button that has a drop-down menu in Home Tab. Using this option, your ‘default’ accounting number format will be applied to the selection that is now being made. The following instructions are included in the drop-down menu: English (UK), English (US), Euro, and Additional Accounting Format Selections.

Percent Style – (Ctrl + Shift + %). Apply the format of the % number to the option that is currently being used.

Comma Style – Utilizes the comma-style number format for the selection that is currently being used.

Increase Decimal – Adds one decimal place to the current selection.

Decrease Decimal – Deletes one decimal point from the selection that is currently being used.


Conditional Formatting – Turning down. This feature provides access to conditional formatting commands, which may be used to automatically apply formatting to cells. The following instructions are included in the drop-down menu: Highlight Cells Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales, Icon Sets, New Rule, Clear Rules, and Manage Rules as well as Clear Rules.

Format as Table -Turning down. It does this by applying a Table Style to the selection that is currently being used and defining it as a table. Light, Medium, and Dark, as well as New Table Style and New PivotTable Style, are the commands that are included inside the drop-down menu. The “New Table Style” dialog box is shown when the New Table Style has been selected. The “New PivotTable Style” dialog box is shown when the New PivotTableStyle command is executed.

Cell Styles – Turning down. This adds a cell style to the selection that is currently being used. The following instructions are included in the drop-down menu: Custom, Good, Bad, and Neutral; Data and Model; Titles and Headings; Themed Cell Styles; Number Format; New Cell Style; and Merge Styles. The “Style” dialog box is shown when the New Cell Style is selected.

Conditional Formatting – Turning down. This feature provides access to conditional formatting commands, which may be used to automatically apply formatting to cells. The following instructions are included in the drop-down menu: Highlight Cells Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales, Icon Sets, New Rule, Clear Rules, and Manage Rules as well as Clear Rules.

Format as Table – Turning down. It does this by applying a Table Style to the selection that is currently being used and defining it as a table. Light, Medium, and Dark, as well as New Table Style and New PivotTable Style, are the commands that are included inside the drop-down menu. The “New Table Style” dialog box is shown when the New Table Style has been selected. The “New PivotTable Style” dialog box is shown when the New PivotTableStyle command is executed.

Cell Styles – Lower your head. The current selection is given a cell style as a result of this behavior. Custom, Good, Bad, and Neutral, Data and Model, Titles and Headings, Themed Cell Styles, Number Format, New Cell Style, and Merge Styles are the commands that are included under the drop-down menu called “Custom.” The “Style” dialog box is shown if you choose the New Cell Style option.


Insert – Button that has a drop-down menu. The button will always put cells into the selection that is now active, which will move cells down. The following instructions are included in the drop-down menu: Insert Cells, Insert Sheet Rows and Insert Sheet Columns, and Insert Sheet as well.

Delete – Button that has a drop-down menu. Every time you press the button, the current selection is removed, and the cells are moved higher. Delete Cells, Delete Sheet Rows, Delete Sheet Columns, and Delete Sheet are the individual instructions that are included inside the drop-down menu.

Format – Lower your head. Rows, columns, and sheets may all benefit from the many commands that are provided by this feature. This drop-down menu includes the following commands: Hide and Unhide, Rename Sheet, Move or Copy Sheet, Tab Color, Protect Sheet, Lock Cell, and Format Cells. Row Height, AutoFit Row Height, Column Width, AutoFit Column Width, Default Width, Hide and Unhide may also be selected. Hide Rows, Hide Columns, Hide Sheet, Unhide Rows, Unhide Columns, and Unhide Sheet are the commands that are included in the Hide & Unhide extension program.


AutoSum – Button that has a drop-down menu. On the Formulas Tab, you will find the exact same command that you are looking for.

Fill – Turning down. This function allows you to fill the selection in any direction and into any range of cells that are next to it. The following commands are included in the drop-down menu: Down, Right, Up, Left, Across Worksheets, Series, Justify, and Flash Fill

Clear -Turning down. It removes everything from the selection that is now being used, or it removes specific things by extending the drop-down menu. There are many options available in the drop-down menu, including Clear All, Clear Formats, Clear Contents, Clear Comments, Clear Hyperlinks (which was added in 2010), and Remove Hyperlinks.

Sort & Filter – Turning down. In addition to allowing you to set filters to minimize the number of rows that are shown, this feature sorts the data that is presently chosen or the current area into ascending or descending order. The drop-down menu includes the following commands: Custom Sort, Filter, Clear, and Reapply. Sort A to Z, Sort Z to A, and also Custom Sort.

Find & Select – Turning down. The drop-down menu includes the following commands: Find, Replace, GoTo, GoTo Special, Formulas, Comments, Conditional Formatting, Constants, Data Validation, Select Objects, and Selection Pane. Additional commands are also included.


Home Tab

Analyze Data -Presents the Analyze Data Task Pane, which provides you with an intelligent examination of the data you have imported. Prior to then, this was referred to as Ideas.

Read more :- How To Use Home Tab in MS Excel (Microsoft Excel Docs). (Lession – 5)

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