Use Page Layout Tab
Use Page Layout Tab is where you will find all of the choices that will enable you to organize the pages of your document in a manner that fits your preferences. Page Layout margins, the themes, the management of page orientation and size, the addition of sections and line breaks, the display of line numbers, and Page Layout determination of paragraph indentation and lines are all under your control.

Margins : Turning down. You have the option to select one of the pre-built margin settings or customize your own. The menu is similar to Excel, but it includes two additional options: “Moderate” and “Mirrored”. Custom Margins, located on the Margin tab, brings up the “Page Setup” dialog box.

Orientation : Turning down. This feature allows you to change the orientation of the section that is currently active. The drop-down menu includes commands for Portrait and Landscape. Page Layout(Page tab, Orientation) may be accessed more quickly with this shortcut.

Size : Turning down allows you to select from all of the available paper sizes. This provides a shortcut to the Page Setup (Page tab, Paper size drop-down) menu option.

Columns : Turning down. The drop-down menu item includes the commands One, Two, Three, Left, and Right, as well as More Columns. It provides access to layouts with 1, 2, and 3 columns.

Breaks : Turning down. The drop-down menu also includes the following instructions: Insert Page Break, Remove Page Break, and Reset All Page Breaks.

Line Numbers :We are declining. The drop-down menu has the following instructions: Insert Page Break, Remove Page Break, and Reset All Page Breaks. Additionally, the menu includes the option to reset all page breaks.

Hyphenation : Turning down. The drop-down menu offers possible commands such as None, Automatic, Manual, and Hyphenation Options. Selecting the Hyphenation Options displays the “Hyphenation” dialog box.

Page Color : While you are writing the content, pick the color you want to use. Once you select the color, it will apply to the page.

Page Borders : You may either type the text or click the Page Borders button, and then either click OK or Select Page Borders.

Indent Left : The text box. The text box will automatically update to display the added indentation to the selected paragraph. This allows you to change the left indentation for the current selection.

Indent Right : The text box. The text box will automatically update to display the added indentation to the selected paragraph. You can use this to change the right indentation for the selection you’re currently using.

Align : Turning down. Align Left, Align Center, Align Right, Align Top, Align Middle, Align Bottom, Distribute horizontally, distribute vertically, The options include Align to Page, Align to Margin, and Align Selected Objects. The drop-down menu includes commands such as View Gridlines and Grid Settings. Selecting Grid Settings opens the “Drawing Grid” dialog box.

Read also : How to Use Insert Tab Accurate in MS Word ?(Lession-6)

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