Review Tab in MS Excel
Spelling – (F7). Activates the “Spelling” dialog box on the screen (Review Tab). You are able to verify the spelling on the worksheet that is now active.

Thesaurus – The visibility of the Research task pane is toggled, and the default research service is set to the thesaurus in Review Tab.
Workbook Statistics – Displays a dialog box that notifies you of the total number of various things that are included inside the currently open worksheet (Review Tab).

Check Accessibility – This item displays the Task Pane for the Accessibility Checker in Review Tab. The purpose of this is to identify any areas of your workbook that may be modified to better accommodate those with disabilities.

Smart Lookup – Allows the Smart Lookup Task Pane to be shown in Review Tab. Bing is the engine that drives this, and it offers wiki pages as well as the most relevant searches from the internet.
Translate – The visibility of the Research task pane is toggled, and the default research service is set to the translation.

New Comment / Edit Comment – (Shift + F2). Adds a remark to the cell that is now active.
Delete – It deletes the remark that was chosen.
Previous Comment – Continues on to the remark that was made before in the current worksheet.
Next Comment – Proceeds to the next remark in the workbook that is now active.

Show Comments – The display of the Comments task pane may be toggled on and off.
Show/Hide Comment – Activates the display of the comment in the cell that is now active.
Show All Comments – Changes the way that comments are shown in the current workbook, which includes all worksheets.
Show Ink – Allow the active workbook to display or conceal the ink. It is only applicable to tablets.

Notes – Turning down. The following commands are included in the drop-down menu: New Note, Previous Note, Next Note, and Display/Hide of Note, Display all of the notes and convert them into comments.
Protect Sheet – This is the dialog window that displays the “Protect Sheet”
Protect Workbook – The following instructions are shown in the drop-down menu: Protect Structure and Windows, in addition to other choices for restricting permission privileges.

Allow Edit Ranges – Provides the ability for certain users to modify particular ranges inside a workbook or sheet. It is necessary for you to configure your security settings by using the Protect Sheet command before you can use this capability. Once the worksheet has been protected, this command will no longer be available.
Unshare Workbook – By default, this feature is turned off. In the event that you open a workbook that is presently being shared by using the legacy “Share Workbook” function, this button will become active, therefore enabling you to unshare the workbook. Workbooks that were shared have been replaced with those that are co-authored. To bring up the Share Task Pane, you need to press the ‘Share’ button that is located in the upper right corner. In order to be accessible online, workbooks need to be stored.

Hide Ink – Turning down. Delete All Ink on Sheet and Delete All Ink on Workbook are the instructions that can be found in the drop-down menu. Hide Ink is another option.
Read more:- Data Tab in MS Excel (Microsoft Excel Docs). (Lession – 13)

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