MS Excel Keys a spreadsheet application that allows users to record data in the form of tables is Microsoft Excel. A spreadsheet created in Excel makes it simple to do data analysis. The following graphic is a representation.
Workbook Shortcut Keys:-
MS Excel Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + N
To create a new workbook
Ctrl + O
To open an existing workbook
Ctrl + S
To save a workbook/spreadsheet
Ctrl + W
To close the current workbook
Ctrl + F4
To close Excel
Ctrl + PageDown
To move to the next sheet
Ctrl + PageUp
To move to the previous sheet
Alt + A
To go to the Data tab
Alt + W
To go to the View tab
Alt + M
To go the Formula tab
Cell Formatting Shortcut Keys :-
MS Excel Shortcut Keys
To edit a cell
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
To copy and paste cells
Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B
To italicize and make the font bold
Alt + H + A + C
To center align cell contents
Alt + H + H
To fill color
Alt + H + B
To add a border
To move to the next cell
Ctrl + Shift + &
To add an outline to the select cells
Ctrl + Shift + _
To remove outline border
Shift + Tab
To move to the previous cell
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow
To select all the cells on the right
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
To select all the cells on the left
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
To select the column from the selected cell to the end of the table
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