Defination of PowerPoint Presentation
A fantastic piece of presentation software, Microsoft PowerPoint is a product that was developed by Microsoft and is commonly abbreviated as PP or PPT. In order to build a slideshow with essential material for a presentation, PowerPoint is employed effectively to construct a slideshow that includes charts and photos. The use of this technique is frequent in both academic and professional presentation.

1. It is an indispensable powerpoint graphics package that provides you with everything you want to produce a powerpoint that seems to have been created by professionals. Microsoft PowerPoint provides a variety of features, including text editing, drawing, outlining, graphing, and powerpoint management.
2. While working for a software business known as Forethought Inc., Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin were the ones who first created PowerPoint. powerpoint was the term that was first believed to be associated with it; however, in 1987, it was changed PowerPoint owing to trademark difficulties.
3. In the year 1990, the first version of PowerPoint was made available to the public with the introduction of Windows 3.0.
4. In the first version of PowerPoint, slide advancement could only be done in one way, which was forward, and the amount of customisation that was available was relatively restricted.
5. Over the course of its development, the application became more imaginative and dynamic with each new edition. The demand for and use of this Microsoft Office application dramatically expanded as a result of the addition of a great number of additional features that were included in subsequent versions of PowerPoint.
6. The “.ppt” file extension is the one that is used by default for a PowerPoint presentation.
7. An dynamic and fascinating presentation may be created with the help of this application, which is based on PowerPoint presentations and consists of slides that include images, movies, and other elements.
Read also: Shortcut Keys of Microsoft PowerPoint. (Lession-3)

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