What is MS Paint , Shortcut Keys of MS Paint? (Lession-1)

What is MS Paint:-

Simply put, MS Paint is a simple graphics editor that has been included in each and every edition of Microsoft Windows. The application is capable of opening and saving files in the following formats: single-page TIFF, GIF, PNEG, and JPEG, as well as Windows bitmap (BMP). Every Windows program includes Microsoft Paint as its most fundamental tool.

In order to color, create, and edit photographs, Microsoft Paint is used. The color mode and the black-and-white option are both available for use with this application. Because it allowed users to paint on computers, it quickly gained popularity among the first Windows users. Come on, let’s get more information about it!

MS Paint Shortcut Keys:-


While most of these combinations are common to many applications, there are some that you may find new and unique.

Ctrl + A Select entire canvas
Ctrl + C Copy selected area
Ctrl + X Cut selected area
Ctrl + VPaste clipboard data
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + YRedo action
Ctrl + E Shows image properties
Ctrl + GToggles grid lines
Ctrl + P Ctrl + A – Select entire canvas
Ctrl + CCopy selected area
Ctrl + XCut selected area
Ctrl + VPaste clipboard data
Ctrl + ZUndo last action
Ctrl + Y Redo action
Ctrl + E Shows image properties
Ctrl + G Toggles grid lines
Ctrl + P Print the picture
Ctrl + RShow or hide the ruler
Ctrl + WOpen the Resize and Skew dialog box
Ctrl + N Create a new picture
Ctrl + OOpen a picture
Ctrl + SSave changes to a picture
Ctrl + Page UpZoom in
Ctrl + Page Down Zoom out
Ctrl + BBold selected text
Ctrl + I Make selected text italics
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + Num Pad + Scale up and tool or shape
Ctrl + Num Pad –Scale down tool or shape


Alt-FOpens the File menu
Alt-HShows key help/ Switch to Home tab
Alt-VSwitch to View tab
Alt-F4Close the window
Alt-Esc Minimizes MS Paint interface
Alt-SpacebarEquivalent to right-clicking on the title bar


Windows in general has specific functions associated with each function key (F1 through F12 keys). Lets us see what MS Paint supports.

F1Open Paint Help
F11View a picture in full screen mode
F12Save the picture as a new file
F10Displays key tips like the Alt key


Right ArrowMove the active or selection form one pixel to the right.
Left ArrowMove the selection or active shape left by one pixel.
Down ArrowMove the selection or active shape down by one pixel.
Up Arrow Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel.

Read also :How to Open MS Paint? (Lession- 2)

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