MS Word Useful Shortcut Keys. (Lession- 1)

Defination of MS Word (Microsoft Word)

MS Word created this word processor to create professional-quality papers, letters, reports, and other types of documents. Ms Word it boasts sophisticated capabilities that facilitate efficient editing and formatting of your files and documents.

MS Word (Microsoft Word) Shortcut Keys:-

Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + OOpen document
Ctrl + SSave document
Ctrl + WClose document
Ctrl + XCut text
Ctrl + CCopy text
Ctrl + PPaste text
Backspace or DeleteDelete text
Ctrl+ ASelect all text
Ctrl+ ZUndo last action
Ctrl+ YRedo last action
HomeMove cursor to beginning of line
EndMove cursor to end of line
Up arrowMove cursor up one line
Down arrowMove cursor down one line
Left arrowMove cursor one word to the left
Right arrowMove cursor one word to the right
Ctrl + FFind text
Ctrl + HReplace text
Ctrl + GGo to a specific page
Ctrl + +Zoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + PPrint document
F11View full screen
Alt + F4Exit Word
EnterNext line
Alt+ F4Use for the shut down pc
Ctrl+ NNew file
Ctrl+ BBold
Ctrl+ SSave file
Ctrl+ UUnderline
Ctrl+ KHyperlink
Ctrl+ GGo to
Ctrl+ IItalic
Ctrl+ [Increase font size 1 point
Ctrl+ ]Decrease font size 1 point
Ctrl+ LLeft alignment
Ctrl+ RRight alignment
Ctrl+ 1Single space
Ctrl+ 2Double space
Ctrl+ 5Line space
Ctrl+ Shift+ EnterColumn break
Ctrl+ EnterPage break
Shift+ EnterLine break
Ctrl+ Shift+ =Super script
Ctrl+=Sub script
Ctrl+JJust alignment
Ctrl+DFont window
Ctrl+F4File close
Alt+Ctrl+1Print window
Alt+Ctrl+PView print layout
Alt+Ctrl+OView outline
Ctrl+Shift+PFont size
Shift+F3Change file
Ctrl+Shift+DDouble underline
Ctrl+Shift+FFont style
Ctrl+Shift+AAll options
Ctrl+Shift+ZRemove formating
Ctrl+PgUpTop of the screen
Ctrl+PgDnBottom of the screen
F1For help
F7Spell check and grammer check

Read also : How to Open MS Word? (Microsoft Word)(Lession- 2)

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